Dare to have the smile
you've always wanted.

Our Office
2 Bloor St W, L01 Cumberland Terrace
Toronto, Ontario M4W 3E2
(416) 928-0207

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At Dentistry Artistica,  Dr. Slater and his team of conscientious dental professionals are dedicated to high quality dental care.

Whether  you are interested in Invisalign Treatment, Cosmetic Dentistry,  Aesthetic Restorative Dentistry,  or simply a Continuing Care Program,  we partner with our patients to discuss their dental objectives,  develop treatment plans,  and provide skilled care and attention to achieve amazing results.  

Invisalign treatment uses a series of clear aligners to comfortably straighten your teeth. You won't have to worry about the hassle of wire braces and before you know it,  you'll be enjoying your new beautiful smile!

With the latest advances in Cosmetic Dentistry,  we can enhance the appearance of one or more teeth or improve your complete smile with a Smile Makeover.  We design and then create a gorgeous look customized just for you,  and then help you maintain the health of your new beautiful smile!       

Aesthetic Restorative Dentistry addresses issues of dental health in an aesthetic manner.  From small cavities to major dental reconstruction,  and everything in between,  we restore teeth back to function,  health and beauty! 

Our Continuing Care Program focuses on helping you to maintain your oral health.  The long term stability of your teeth depends on the condition of your periodontal health,  i.e. the supporting gums and bone.   We will establish the best frequency for your preventive dental cleaning appointments,  and provide the necessary dental aids that will work best for you at home. 

For situations where the periodontal health is compromised,  we can develop a customized Therapeutic Periodontal Program to help improve the health of your gums and supporting bone. This non-invasive approach can often achieve results so dramatic that more costly and involved procedures such as surgical intervention can be minimized or avoided completely. 

No matter your dental goals, we can help you achieve them! Schedule your first appointment now!

Questions about dental treatment possibilities?  We offer a 20 minute complimentary consult for new patients.  

Need more info? Please browse our website or feel free to contact us!   


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Exceptional dentistry,
extraordinary services.

Endodontics is a specialized branch of dentistry that deals with the complex structures found inside the teeth. The Greek word “Endodontics” literally means “inside the tooth,” and relates to the tooth pulp, tissues, nerves and arterioles. Endodontists receive additional dental training after completing dental school to enable them to perform both complex and simple procedures, including root canal therapy. Historically, a tooth with a diseased nerve would be removed immediately, but endodontists are now able to save the natural tooth in...

A significant number of Americans do not visit the dentist for regular checkups because they are too fearful or suffer from dental anxiety.  Sedation dentistry offers an excellent way to provide a safe, anxiety-free, dental experience to those who are afraid of the dentist. Sedation dentistry is often mistakenly thought to induce sleep.  In fact, most sedatives allow the patient to stay awake during the procedure.  Sleepiness is a side effect of some medications, but nitrous oxide, oral conscious sedation and IV sedation only work to calm...

The overwhelming fear of dental appointments can be a common cause of anxiety.  Many people visualize a drill-wielding man in a white coat just waiting to cause pain and remove teeth.  The reality, however, is very different.  The comfort, relaxation and happiness of the patient are embedded deep at the heart of any good dental practice.  The staff at the practice will do whatever they can to reduce anxiety, allay fears and provide painless, quick treatments. Recent technological advancements have meant that in many cases, dentists are able...

A preventive program is a cooperative effort by the patient, dentist, and dental staff to preserve the natural dentition and supporting structures by preventing the onset, progress, and recurrence of dental diseases and conditions. Preventing dental disease starts at home with good oral hygiene and a balanced diet.  It is continued in the dental office by the efforts of your dentist and dental hygienist to promote, restore, and maintain your oral health. Prevention also includes regular dental exams, cleanings, and x-rays. Sealants and...

Dental emergencies are quite frightening and often painful.  Prompt treatment is almost always required to alleviate pain and to ensure the teeth have the best possible chance of survival. Sometimes teeth become fractured by trauma, grinding or biting on hard objects.  In other cases, fillings, crowns and other restorative devices can be damaged or fall out of the mouth completely.  If there is severe pain, it is essential to make an appointment with the dentist as quickly as possible.  The pain caused by dental emergencies almost always...

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